Script Frenzy! ~ Notes Above Ground - Travels of a writer, poet, expatriate living and working abroad.

Script Frenzy!

Hey folks, I haven't written for Notes Above Ground for so long 'coz I've been really busy with some stuff. I've been researching on a manifesto (will post soon!). Essentially this is a quick post to let you know that I'm a participant in Script Frenzy. The idea is really simple -- one month, one script, 20,000 words. ^_^

I don't know if I'll be able to pull it off or not but I'll be posting my writerly journey over here on a regular basis. So more posts!

On the other hand, I've started a new blog -- Confederacy of the Dunces -- it's strictly a humor blog so that there's a place where I can put stuff on all the funny emails that come into my inbox.

That's all for now, more later...


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